Monday, February 25, 2008

Paul Wackers

I went back to the Eleanor Harwood Gallery to view the Paul Wackers show again. It often takes a few visits for me to fully grasp an artists work. I've found that returning to see the work in person at least a second time allows me to truly see the work, to form a more honest opinion.

With this showing of Paul Wackers current paintings it took that second visit. On the first visit I was too busy digesting the change in content that he's made since his last solo show at the Eleanor Harwood Gallery. He's brought color into his work. He's moved away from the comfort of architecture and land views, and is now working somewhere between abstraction and fictional worlds. I looked at each painting, each detail, and found myself diving further into the works of Paul Wackers. I was pleased to see the works are selling. And with talking to Eleanor Harwood, it seems there's quite a buzz about Paul.

I'll be keeping an eye on him, and can't wait to see more works.

The gallery has posted images of Paul's paintings on the website.

Stand Still Like the Hummingbird

1 comment:

Alika Cooper said...

man i still havent been down there to see it.. ugh