Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I've been out there

The veiw from my blog.

I've taken a bit of a break from blogging about art, in order to actually view some art, and to take the time to think about art.  Blogging is lonesome.  But then again, so is viewing art, well....for me it is, or can be.  Stepping into a gallery to see the art on the wall has more impact on me.  Much more than just surfing the world wide web.  Finding jpegs of art is nice, and learning about new artists, new works, new shows is great on the web, but really, get out and go see the art in person.

October in San Francisco has a lot to offer those willing to leave the digital realm.  To be honest, I'm guilty of staying in my safety zone (home) and viewing art shows on the web, ones that are less than a few miles away.  I'm sure everyone does that.  But I'm trying to do less of it.

I'll post some photos, and say a little something about some of the shows that really caught me. If you have a thought, or you think I should see something, feel free to comment.  I'm a person, not just a blog.

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